Holton Pearson joins us for Episode 49.
For anyone that has been listening since the beginning you are familiar with our Father who we call Rooster. He has been on a few episodes. Episode 20 was one of the episodes we had with Rooster as well as Billy Jack. (Episode 20 is one of our must listen episodes by the way!)
Holton is Billy Jack's oldest son. He has been hauling livestok with Jaxon for a number of years. We sat down thinking it would be good to have Holton on for an episode as the parallels between Jaxon and Holton are much like Rooster and Billy Jack's trucking years. We found out quickly that Holton needs more than one episode and will definatley be back soon.
TF2 episode is a behind the scene discussion of Jaxon's Wild Wild West Youtube Channel video titled Needing the spirit of Dale Earnhardt to...
The episodes with Weston are all wrapped up. We are going to start settling into the old routine until we can get Weston back...
Jaxon discusses about some of the midnight DOT frustrations he has been dealing with in South Dakota which leads to some talk about log...