Episode 45: Cocaine Cowgirl

Episode 45 August 21, 2023 00:55:43
Episode 45: Cocaine Cowgirl
Steady At The Wheel
Episode 45: Cocaine Cowgirl

Aug 21 2023 | 00:55:43


Show Notes

Well, we have been doing this a year...Thanks for being here. 

In this episode Luke talks a bit about a recent goat run he made to ID and some mechanical problems he faced, particularly tire blow out on trailer and trouble finding someone to sell him new tires. 

The Yellow Trucking situation is touched on. 

The highlight is a story Luke brought in from the Jail of cocaine being found in a female trucker's trailer. Did she know it was there? Maybe, maybe not....but her situation is something anyone pulling vans should know about. 

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