Episode 42: Straight out of New Hampshire

July 20, 2023 01:05:03
Episode 42: Straight out of New Hampshire
Steady At The Wheel
Episode 42: Straight out of New Hampshire

Jul 20 2023 | 01:05:03


Show Notes

Update: We are going to start doing podcast episode release on Thursdays. Our editing timeframe makes it touch to record on weekends and then have an episode ready for Wednesday. So, be on the lookout for Thursday releases of the Steady at the Wheel episodes. 

Jaxon is on the road with NASCAR in New Hampshire. This episode gets into the rise and fall of driver demand and some potentail mistakes owner operators may have made when buisiness was booming. Electronic logs get some attention with a recent news story of a bus hitting a parked truck whose driver had run out of hours. 

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